"Go Teach My People To Pray"

Prayer In Action Ministries International, Inc

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” Ephesians 6:18

From The House to The Nations...
On one occasion during my 5:00 a.m. prayer time, the Lord spoke these words to me “I have anointed you to PREACH and TEACH throughout the whole world”. Hallelujah! On two other occasions during my 5:00 a.m. prayer time, the Lord said “Go teach my people to pray”. After the second call, I began to seek The Lord for instructions. (Ps. 32:8) The answer was “PRAYER BREAKFAST”. At that time, I was serving the Lord in a local church with a team of intercessors and counselors; also coordinating Women’s Fellowships, etc. I was very zealous for the Lord, my God and I still am. (SMILE) The Lord instructed me to tell my pastor that He had called me to the ministry.

My pastor immediately and repeatedly rejected my call from the Lord and said things that shocked me. I did not know that spiritual
leaders talked to God’s people that way. (John 1:11 “He came unto his own, and his own received him not”) All the intercessors I had prayed and ministered with for years forsook me because they had to be in agreement with the pastor. I had the same testimony that Paul had. (2 Timothy 4:16-17- “At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.
Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me;” The thing that hurt me the worst was that my dearest and best friend walked away. I was a wounded soldier. I was left alone. But, I was not alone; the LORD was with me! I was determined to obey the Lord if no one agreed with me. (Acts 4:19) Therefore I turned my 2-car garage into a prayer ministry meeting room. I was serious.

The prayer journey started in April 1987 with a wonderful prayer breakfast, ministry of the word, an hour of intercessory prayer, the laying on of hands, etc. all to the glory of God. After two full years, The Lord said “check out some hotel rates”. We moved out of the house in December 1989 into various Atlanta airport hotels providing continental breakfasts. The ministry began to grow as I continued to prepare myself. The intercessors were given an opportunity to share the Word for training purposes. Introduction to evangelism. (2 Tim. 4:5 “But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.”) Street ministry with salvation tracts winning the lost to Jesus Christ.

We moved out of the airport hotels into Executive Office Park in southwest Atlanta at the very end of 1992. The office park offered four (4) rooms for ministry giving birth to schools of prayer. Every Saturday morning we went in praying for nations, laying hands on maps of the world and a large standing globe not knowing that we would travel to these places. Schools of prayer every Saturday and outpouring of God’s Word with mighty moves of the Holy Spirit. Also, a Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. session was added. After two full years of ministry in the office park, the Lord gave great increase to the ministry.

1995 — 2005—A New Era - We closed the office park and began travelling. Taking Georgia for Jesus Mission; Jesus for Georgia and Georgia for Jesus. We travelled the entire state of Georgia with the ministry of intercessory prayer. This move of the Holy Spirit gave birth to the prayer branches enlarging the ministry greatly. Early in the ministry, The Lord instructed me to hold anniversary celebrations each year. For a time, each year, I went into a deficit but I was not discouraged. I would begin immediately to plan the next year’s anniversary. We were holding schools of prayer at the hotels on the first Saturday of each month. Financial support for the ministry was very poor. I used my household expense money to pay for the ministry and eventually had to move out of my new house of only three years. The Lord said to me “Mexico will be your first country.” The international door was opened.

1996 — 2006— The Lord blessed us to travel the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ with a focus on prayer. Travelled to Israel five (5) times to pray for Jerusalem in Jerusalem; the City of God.

2007— The Lord said, “Stand up on your feet.” I stood up and The Lord said, “I give you a charge for this land… I give you a charge for this land… I give you a charge for this land.” Our focus turned to America – “A Call To Prayer” based on II Chronicles 7:14; Pray for America!!! Across America offspring prayer ministries were established according to Acts 17:28-29. The offspring prayer ministers grew rapidly, effecting change across America and around the world. The Lord gave us the conference call line connecting the ministries together in prayer and intercession. The current vision is to take “A Call To Prayer” to all 50 states. Currently, we are holding 30 prayer watches weekly and 4 teaching sessions to further The Kingdom of God in the earth in Jesus name.

2017— The Lord added two (2) additional legs to the ministry. One is New Generation Youth Ministry pioneered and directed by Dr. Mary Williams Nash, State of Florida. Hospital, Jail and Prison Ministry - Minister Shirley Johnson, State of Florida. Highlighting our ministers in song are Minister Maxine Tennant, State of New York and Evangelist Carrynel Scott, State of Georgia. two (2) additional outreach ministries have been added: Prayer In Action Ministries Outreach in Greensboro, Georgia: Minister Michele Fennell and Assistant Carol Knight; Prayer In Action Ministries Outreach in Radcliff, Kentucky: Minister Emma Warren and Assistant Joyce Green.

2021— We are celebrating 34 years and training ministers in the School of Evangelism and in A Call to Serve. These are strategic trainings that teach ministers on how to go out and reach the lost for Jesus Christ. On every 1st Thursday of each month, we partake of The Lord's Supper and have all night prayer and intercession from 12 midnight until 8 AM. We call the all night prayer, Highway of Heaven based on Isaiah 35:8. To God be all The Glory for the great things He has done in Prayer In Action Ministries! Hallelujah!!!

Apostle of Prayer Mother Viola S. Walker

Founder and Overseer

"Glory to God for all the great things He has done."

Minister Wendell F. Walker


"Our God is a consuming fire"

All services are on The PIAM Ministry Line - 351-888-7401- NO ACCESS CODE NEEDED

Recording Play Back Number 1-978-990-5092 ACCESS CODE 601890

Prayer In Action Ministries Int'l





Dr. Mary Williams-Nash


Dr. Mary Williams-Nash interceeds, teaches, conducts Prayer in Action Ministries Outreach services and oversees connecting ministries one of which is Berean House of Prayer in Avon Park, Florida. Dr. Nash sponsored International Speaker Minister Kevin L.A. Ewing of Grand Bahama, Bahamas, at the meeting and what a powerful word he delivered.

Pastor Norris Cason


Pastor Cason not only pastors, pray and teach but he is very instrumental and faithful in assisting the Apostle of Prayer when needed.

Elder Maxine Tennant


The voice of Elder Maxine is heard leading us into the presence of God on the prayer line before the ministry of the word and other special sessions. She's been a faithful servant for many years.

Elder Sherry "On The Lord's Side" Linner


Serves on the Board of Elders for Prayer In Action Ministries Int'l she is faithfully on the prayer line every night at midnight. She has served faithfully for many years. Praise God for her faithfulness!

World Evangelism Prayer

Prayers Over The Nations.

Righteous Declarations Over The Nations

Righteous Decrees Over The Nations.

A Call to Prayer

Prayers for America.

A Call to Prayer- Part 2

Part 2 of the Prayers for America.

Prayer for your city

Prayers to pray for your city.

Comprehensive Lesson Plan for Off Spring Prayer Ministers and Intercessors

Teaching Lesson on Prayer, used by Prayer Ministers and Intercessors for the Monday Voice of Prayer teachings at 9AM and at 8:30 PM.

Receive Ye The Holy Ghost Scriptures

List of scriptures on how to receive the impartation of The Spirit of God.

Praying God's Word

The Prayers that Paul prayer for The Church

Prayers of Paul – Praying for Body of Christ - Part I

Scriptural prayers that Paul prayer for The Church- Part 1

Prayers of Paul – Praying for Body of Christ - Part III

Scriptural prayers that Paul prayed for The Body of Christ- Part 3.

Ministry Newsletter (Revised)

What is God saying in this time

Prayer Watch Schedule August 2024

Here are several ways to sow a seed of support into PIAM and other ministries.

US mailing address - Prayer In Action Ministries International, Inc., PO Box 310891, Atlanta, GA 31131

Cash App - $PrayerInActionM

Zelle App - PrayerInAction3@bellsouth.net

PIAM Members Cash App Directory

Prophet Elaine Clay - God Encounters - $GodEncounterGlobal

Rev. James Watkins- House of Prayer - $Benefits12345

Min. Casey McNair- GodClass - $GodclassMinistry

Pastor Nii Tetteh - $Row1

Apostle Robert Hagan - $Elijahfoundation24

Pastor Norris Cason - $norriscason8

Pastor Janet Butts - $Jlavonnes; Word of Victory Church: $wordofvictory

Minister Lady Vic - $LadyCCH

Dr. Mary Williams Nash - $MaryLWilliamsNash

Psalmist Maxine Tennant - $mtennant17

Minister Rose Johnson - $BoobieRose

Minister Lucille Calligan Searcy- $treeoflight123

Evangelist Dr. Alveda King - $AlvedaKing

Minister Barbara Freeman _$BJeanFreem

  • Prayer In Action Ministries Int'l, United States
  • PO Box 310891 Atlanta, GA 31131

Dial into The PIAM Ministry Line at 351-888-7401 for all ministry events and prayer watches.


Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”. John 14:6

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Romans 6:23

If you have not received The Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Become a Christian today by giving your life to Christ. Please prayer this special prayer of salvation with us. 

Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. I believe you died to take away all my sins and rose on the 3rd day.  I repent; I turn away from all of my sins.  I give my life to you. Lord Jesus come into my heart. I will serve you Jesus the rest of my life. You are my Saviour, my Lord, and my Master. Hallelujah!!!, you are in the Kingdom of God, Welcome to The Family of God!!!!

 Please pray this prayer every day - Matthew 6:9-15. 

Counseling Guidelines: 

  • You are now a new creature in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17) Every sin you ever committed has been blotted out or washed away by the Blood of Jesus. You stand righteous in the presence of a Holy God … your Heavenly Father 
  • Read God’s Word (The Holy Bible) everyday and pray! Begin reading in the gospel of St. John and continue through the New Testament. Pray …talk to the Father in the name of Jesus.
  • When you make a mistake or do something wrong, you must repent and ask the Lord to forgive you (1 John 1:9). The blood of Jesus will also cleanse you from this sin and you will continue to walk with the Lord
  • The name of Jesus belongs to you! When the devil brings unclean thoughts or tempt you to sin, resist him! (James 4:7) Say, devil I resist you in Jesus name! I command you to GO in Jesus name!
  • Find a good church that will teach you the Word of God. Ask the Lord to help you.
  • Be Baptized and Filled with the Holy Ghost (Acts1:5, Acts 2:1-4)

Thank you for visiting our PIAM website. Everyone is always invited to join us on our many prayer watches, weekly teachings and monthly training sessions. Dial-In 351-888-7401, Come on aboard, the waters are fine. Invite others to join in with you. The Lord bless you and your family abundantly. In Jesus Name, Amen